Prospective adoptive families with Open Adoption & Family Services.

Our waiting adoptive families have chosen to work with us because they genuinely value openness in adoption and want a lifelong relationship with you. Birthparents may choose from 65 to 85 families seeking an open adoption through OA&FS. When you call us, we’ll send you a booklet of family introduction letters.

You may also request the full family profile for families that you’d like to learn more about. Because we and our families respect your need to know as much as possible about the adoptive families you are considering. Learn more about choosing an adoptive family

Maureen and Adam are one of many OAFS families seeking to adopt a child.

We love our home and community and share a commitment of service to others. Maureen is an immigration attorney who spent years in refugee and asylum law, and Adam is a 5th grade teacher in a dual language immersion program. Read more …

Stephanie and Blake are one of many OAFS families seeking to adopt a child.

Having this relationship built on mutual love and respect is important as we build our “big tent” family. As first time parents, we are looking forward to raising a child in a home full of love and connection with our child’s first family. Read more …

Kelly and Selena are one of many OAFS families seeking to adopt a child.

We strongly see the value in open adoption so our child can know their origin story, and stay connected to their birth family, both through a relationship and maintaining culture and traditions. Read more …

Lainey and Anthony are one of many OAFS families seeking to adopt a child.

Our relationship started when we met in college while studying for our degrees in Animation/Illustration. We are fairly laid-back people and our hobbies reflect that. We are both lucky to have amazing jobs making art for social video games. Read more …

Roderick and Bridget are one of many OAFS families seeking to adopt a child.

We have been a team for more than a decade and look forward to growing our family through open adoption. The pillars of our relationship are love, laughter, and friendship. Read more …

Chris and Kelly are one of many OAFS families seeking to adopt a child.

We dated in high school and went to Junior/Senior Banquet (prom) together but lost touch after high school. We reconnected years later were so excited to start dating again. We are each other’s soul mates and best friends. Read more …

Josh and Anjie are one of many OAFS families seeking to adopt a child.

We look forward to welcoming a birth family into our lives and creating new traditions. Our hope is that everyone involved will feel loved, safe, and have a true sense of belonging. Read more …

Saswata and Sumana are one of many OAFS families seeking to adopt a child.

We both come from family-oriented values. That's why we are choosing an open adoption. We look forward to getting to know you and opening our hearts to our child’s birth family. We hope to create a home where we all feel welcome. Read more …

Katie and Tiffany are one of many OAFS families seeking to adopt a child.

We chose to adopt because we want to become parents and we have a lot of love to give! Our promise to you is that this child will know unconditional love, not only from us, but from our friends and family as well. Read more …

Mark and Lara are one of many OAFS families seeking to adopt a child.

Our relationship is based on almost two decades of friendship, love, honesty and respect. We cannot wait to share our life with a child, and we look forward to building a relationship with their birth family. Read more …

David and Jesse are one of many OAFS families seeking to adopt a child.

We’re David and Jesse – a pair of sweet, would-be dads living in Seattle, with a rascally dog named Alvin along for the adventure. We’re excited and humbled by the opportunity to become parents. Read more …

Ben and Robin are one of many OAFS families seeking to adopt a child.

We hope to build a strong and lasting relationship with our child’s birth family and look forward to all the joys that come with being one big extended family. Read more …

Chad and Ashlyn are one of many OAFS families seeking to adopt a child.

We cannot wait to grow our family through another open adoption We are delighted to have the opportunity to expand our family and share our home and hearts with you. Read more …

Ben and Erin are one of many OAFS families seeking to adopt a child.

As a team we work well; our core values align when it matters most to us. We both value speaking with kindness, listening, following through on promises (especially pinky promises), and keeping our home as a place of solace and comfort. Read more …

Andy and Sondra are one of many OAFS families seeking to adopt a child.

We have been a couple since we were 14. We never run out of things to talk about even though we've been together for a jillion years. We are patient with each other and our loved ones, and believe in letting people be their authentic selves. Read more …

Polly and Jacob are one of many OAFS families seeking to adopt a child.

Together, we have a full and laid-back life. We appreciate that lives are made up of the little things, and find small ways to celebrate those wherever we can. Read more …

Miles and Davis are one of many OAFS families seeking to adopt a child.

We are people who believe in the power of love, encourage one another to pursue dreams, and hope to fill the world with joy and kindness. Read more …

Meg and Corey are one of many OAFS families seeking to adopt a child.

We enjoy exploring all of the natural beauty of the Pacific Northwest and beyond. We look forward to sharing our sense of adventure, love of learning, and curiosity with our child, helping them to become who they’re meant to be as an individual. Read more …

Joel and Daniel are one of many OAFS families seeking to adopt a child.

We’re excited to develop a relationship with our child’s birth parents and their family – for us all to share together in the love and joy that kids bring, and to be part of the kiddo’s life. Read more …

Melissa are one of many OAFS families seeking to adopt a child.

I want to be a parent because I want to help a child figure out who they are and how to live the life they want. I'm invested in having an open adoption because I want my child to be able to explore all facets of themselves. Read more …

Jamie and Daniel are one of many OAFS families seeking to adopt a child.

We are choosing open adoption because we want our child to grow up in a complete environment. We also hope for a warm, close relationship with our child’s birthparents. Read more …

Michael and Stephanie are one of many OAFS families seeking to adopt a child.

We value the role that our future child’s birth parents will have in their child’s life. We seek to approach our relationship with them with the utmost authenticity, respect, sincerity, and adaptability. Read more …

Alyssa are one of many OAFS families seeking to adopt a child.

I live an active, fun, responsible lifestyle, and can’t wait to have a child to love, to teach, and to help grow and develop. My most treasured “things” in life are my relationships. Read more …

Bridget and Joe are one of many OAFS families seeking to adopt a child.

We are choosing to expand our family through adoption because we feel that our family has a lot of love to share. We have a strong foundation and see open adoption as a preferred choice to expand our network of family and love. Read more …

Amy and Brandon are one of many OAFS families seeking to adopt a child.

We are so excited to welcome a new family into our lives and, together, create a foundation of love and support that will nurture our child. We all might not be “perfect” but we will be perfectly made for each other. Read more …

Elsa and Linden are one of many OAFS families seeking to adopt a child.

Although we love this life we have created, we have yearned to experience the joy of parenting a little one together. Read more …

Juan and Casey are one of many OAFS families seeking to adopt a child.

We have always been excited to grow our family and feel that an open adoption is the right choice for us because we believe in being fully honest with our child, and want them to embrace their story with pride. Read more …

Billy and Cesar are one of many OAFS families seeking to adopt a child.

Our relationship is a classic “opposites attract” story and our differences contribute to our love and strong bond. Together, our qualities complement each other, which we believe will translate well into our parenting styles. Read more …

Zehara and Christopher are one of many OAFS families seeking to adopt a child.

Open adoption matches our values around community and connection. We are hoping to raise a child with the feeling that they have a large family who deeply cares about them. Read more …

Kirsten and PT are one of many OAFS families seeking to adopt a child.

Co-parenting has been a very meaningful and relationship-deepening experience for us and we are very excited to expand our family further through open adoption. In an ideal world, adoption would allow us to grow our family not by one but by many. Read more …

KC and Maggie are one of many OAFS families seeking to adopt a child.

Adoption has always been our first choice to grow our family. We want to build a relationship with the birth family and ensure they know their importance in our lives, and look forward to building new traditions along the way. Read more …

Greg and Derek are one of many OAFS families seeking to adopt a child.

We are a fun-loving, adventurous, family-oriented pair who is excited to start our family! Trying new things and saying “yes” to zany ideas is the foundation of our relationship. Read more …

Drew and Tom are one of many OAFS families seeking to adopt a child.

We will always hold our child’s birth family in the highest place of honor. We look forward to continuing old traditions, making new ones, and are always excited for a road trip to make visits happen. Read more …

Kevin and Megan are one of many OAFS families seeking to adopt a child.

We met during our first semester of college, so not quite high school sweethearts, but close. The saying is that fools rush in, and many people thought that was us, but we’ve been happily married for over 20 years. Read more …

Stephanie and Mike are one of many OAFS families seeking to adopt a child.

We are Stephanie and Mike, a couple of nerds in Snohomish County. We met in 2017 while playing video games online with friends. We get out to a variety of local comic conventions, art shows, and Renaissance festivals each year. Read more …

Kristin are one of many OAFS families seeking to adopt a child.

Those who know me well describe me as laid-back, loving and curious. I love to travel near and far, especially to visit family and friends. I am so excited to be a mom and humbled by the possibility. Read more …

David and Raphi are one of many OAFS families seeking to adopt a child.

We know open adoption is right for us because we have seen the value in our child understanding why and how we became a family. Read more …

Deepak and Keith are one of many OAFS families seeking to adopt a child.

We’re a simple family fulfilled by simple things. Together with our child’s birth family, we hope to celebrate and support all parts of our child’s identity, including their racial and cultural roots, and nurture them to become the person they want to be. Read more …

John and David are one of many OAFS families seeking to adopt a child.

We were both lucky to grow up with siblings, large extended families and close communities and we believe that families are stronger and happier when they welcome everyone. Read more …

Ashley and Amanda are one of many OAFS families seeking to adopt a child.

When it came to parenting options for two women, adoption always felt the most consistent with our values. We feel excited to learn about our child, to discover their dreams and interests, and to allow that to help shape us as parents. Read more …

Andrea and Max are one of many OAFS families seeking to adopt a child.

We met in high school and became fast friends. We started dating right before college and have been together almost 20 years! We envision a family lifestyle that will be centered on the needs of our child, supporting them at each stage of their life. Read more …

Jeremy and David are one of many OAFS families seeking to adopt a child.

We’ve been building a life together in Seattle over the last five years and would love to grow our family through open adoption. We want to be part of helping the next generation find its way through this challenging and exciting world. Read more …

Allison and Nick are one of many OAFS families seeking to adopt a child.

As we expand our family through open adoption, we aspire to build a “more the merrier” family where everyone belongs - our children, extended families, close friends, and you as birth parents. Read more …

John and Cody Ray are one of many OAFS families seeking to adopt a child.

As part of growing our family with adoption, we’re also looking to include our child’s birth parents in our family and we’d always encourage them to join in on the fun whenever possible! Read more …

Sarah and Ben are one of many OAFS families seeking to adopt a child.

We are a loving couple of 15 years who live in Oregon. We are excited to raise a child in an open, supportive family structure as we take on the responsibility of raising a kind, compassionate child. Read more …

Mark and Brant are one of many OAFS families seeking to adopt a child.

We look forward to embracing our child’s birth family in our lives and creating an environment where our children can thrive, knowing who they are, where they came from, and that their entire family supports them. Read more …

Karina and Marc are one of many OAFS families seeking to adopt a child.

We both work as nurses, and live in a quiet neighborhood tucked into a larger city, in a house filled with eclectic and nerdy art. Our family is playful; we play games, we play music, and we play pretend! Read more …

Leah and Nathan are one of many OAFS families seeking to adopt a child.

We are so pleased that you are taking the time to get a glimpse into who we are. We are committed to this process and building connections with our child’s birth family. “We are all in this together” might sound cheesy, but it is very true. Read more …

Orion and Martha are one of many OAFS families seeking to adopt a child.

Open adoption aligns with our values of helping a child discover who they are through love and a supportive community. Our biggest wish is to build a family where our child can grow up knowing where they came from in order to nurture who they will become. Read more …

Heather and Mason are one of many OAFS families seeking to adopt a child.

We believe open adoption is the best path for us because we want our child to have the opportunity to connect with their own history. Our relationship centers around openness and honesty, and pursuing an open adoption aligns with our values. Read more …

Kathryn and Kate are one of many OAFS families seeking to adopt a child.

Life isn’t easy for anyone, but it’s made better with care, compassion, curiosity, and plenty of fun. That’s the family we are and the family we want to build as parents. Read more …

Jesse and Nadja are one of many OAFS families seeking to adopt a child.

Open adoption is the way we have chosen to grow our family and we are fully prepared for all the challenges and blessings that choice brings with it. We hope this will also be the beginning of a close friendship and the discovery of a kindred soul or two. Read more …

Ross and Lacey are one of many OAFS families seeking to adopt a child.

We truly love and enjoy being with each other and we challenge each other to do things that make us grow. We will bring all these traits to parenting and to the open adoption. Read more …

Rose and Clara are one of many OAFS families seeking to adopt a child.

The importance of family to us is in large part what fueled our desire to grow our own family through open adoption. When we got married, we vowed to love each other’s families as our own. We plan to make that same commitment to the child we adopt. Read more …

Kara and Elaine are one of many OAFS families seeking to adopt a child.

Our parenting experience so far has completely redefined what family means to us – we fully embrace the beauty and messiness of extending love and welcoming new people into our family. We are excited and curious to do it again. Read more …

Mara and Jeremy are one of many OAFS families seeking to adopt a child.

Becoming parents via open adoption is appealing because family and community are inseparable. We have progressive ideas about parenthood, highly value empathy and social justice, and would always do our best to raise a child in light of these values. Read more …

Elizabeth and Michael are one of many OAFS families seeking to adopt a child.

We’ve wholeheartedly embraced the open adoption process, believing it offers the adopted child the greatest opportunity for love and connection. We eagerly anticipate the journey of learning and loving alongside our expanded family! Read more …

Jonathan and Nikyta are one of many OAFS families seeking to adopt a child.

For so many reasons, one of the most important parts of our child’s life will be their ongoing connection with their birth families. It is our hope that our child’s birth parents will be an extension of our own family. Read more …

Devlin and Miles are one of many OAFS families seeking to adopt a child.

We are excited to become parents and to expand our family through open adoption. We look forward to building relationships with our child’s biological family and fostering meaningful connections for them to their roots. Read more …

Victor and Anna are one of many OAFS families seeking to adopt a child.

With love and support from the family we will create together, we hope that our adopted child will continually feel affirmed in who they are, as they grow in their most beautiful, unique life. Read more …

Julie and Tyler are one of many OAFS families seeking to adopt a child.

We both feel that family is very important. Our dream is that our child’s first family becomes a part of our extended family, sharing in their joys, successes, and milestones as they grow up.  Read more …

Holly and Brittany are one of many OAFS families seeking to adopt a child.

We love harder because we know life is fragile and precious. We love deeper because we know tomorrow isn’t promised. Life can be complicated and messy and wonderful. We know it and we embrace it. Read more …

Andy and Bob are one of many OAFS families seeking to adopt a child.

We met at music school in 2007 and learned early on that we have a lot in common: we both play piano, love the arts, and enjoy reading, eating great food, running, traveling to new places, and playing board games. Read more …

Elena and Zac are one of many OAFS families seeking to adopt a child.

We are drawn to open adoption as it resonates with our values. We are committed to supporting our child in knowing where they came from, and building connections so our child will know who they are as they grow into adulthood. Read more …

Cem and Christie are one of many OAFS families seeking to adopt a child.

Family is everything for us and we know the value of both biological and “found” family. Our hope is that through open adoption, we’ll be able to realize our dream of growing our family with our child’s best interests at the center. Read more …

Robert and Thomas are one of many OAFS families seeking to adopt a child.

We hope to have a strong, supportive community for our child and we quickly recognized open adoption would be the best option to meet that goal. We want as many loving people in our child's life as we can have. Read more …

Rebecca and Dom are one of many OAFS families seeking to adopt a child.

It is important to us that our child develops a strong sense of identity, found through a deep connection to place: their home, their communities, and their history. Read more …

Kaitlin and Jonathan are one of many OAFS families seeking to adopt a child.

It will be a privilege to welcome our child’s birth family into our lives and we will offer the same compassion and love that our own families have given to us. Read more …

Emily are one of many OAFS families seeking to adopt a child.

My world centers around the people I care for, and I’m incredibly grateful to walk through life with this village. I am so excited to be on the path to grow my family through adoption. Read more …