Joel and Daniel


Hi! We are Joel, Daniel (in the hat), and Turkey (our pup). Thanks for taking the time to get to know us.

Daniel was Joel’s best first date, and Daniel didn’t believe in love at first sight until meeting Joel in 2017. We’ve put down roots together in Seattle for six years now. There is plenty more info in our book, but these things will tell you a lot about us:

• Combined, we have 14 nieces and nephews nearby, plus two godsons and several close friends with kids of their own. Family gatherings are generally pure chaos, but we love them.

• Daniel is an explorer and super curious: he loves discovering new places. Joel has a heart of gold: he is thoughtful, generous, and intentional.

• Our favorite time of the year is a toss-up between September, when we get to eat all the wild blueberries on our hikes, and Christmas, when we get to play the same songs over and over, wear pajamas, eat pies, and put off buying gifts until the last minute.

• We laugh a lot :)

• Our favorite time of the week is Sunday morning, when we get a cinnamon roll, and then walk to our small church a few blocks away.

• Joel’s superpower is knowing exactly where things will be located in a grocery store. Daniel’s is finding a connection with someone he’s just met.

• Daniel worked 7 summers at summer camp; Joel brings the energy (and cupcakes) to any gathering involving children.

Parenting a child through open adoption is a joint journey that has already taught us a lot about ourselves and others. We’re excited to develop a relationship with our child’s birth parents and their family – for us all to share together in the love and joy that kids bring, and to be part of the kiddo’s life. We know that us humans are complicated and constantly changing. We’re in this for the long haul, for the good times and the hard ones.

We can’t wait for all the adventures ahead: jumping in puddles and getting cheese dust on the couch, baking together (and absolutely messing up recipes), discovering new flowers and bugs in our neighborhood and in the Cascade mountains, reading and snuggling, learning new things at school, creating a home that always feels safe, and growing up and older together.

~Daniel & Joel

Watch Joel and Daniel's Video

