Andy and Bob


Hello!   We’re Andy & Bob. We live in Portland, Oregon with our tuxedo cat, Lina. We can’t wait to become dads!

We started dating 13 years ago and got married in 2019. We’ve known from the beginning that we want to be parents. Andy has worked as a preschool teacher and piano teacher, so he is always around kids and loves it. Bob also worked with kids for many years, working as a piano teacher and a choir director before becoming a lawyer–he loves kids, too. Most of our close friends have kids, and we recently became uncles!

We met at music school in 2007 and learned early on that we have a lot in common: we both play piano, love the arts, and enjoy reading, eating great food, running, traveling to new places, and playing board games. We also each have our own interests and hobbies. For instance, Andy loves to cook and recently completed his first two triathlons. Bob likes to be involved with our church, where he helps to organize volunteers and sometimes helps with music.

After college, our relationship was long-distance for a couple of years while we completed some more studies–Andy in New York City, and Bob in Victoria, BC. Then, we moved together to Massachusetts, where we both worked as musicians. After a while we missed our families, so in 2019, we moved back to the beautiful Pacific Northwest and decided that Portland was the right spot for us. Bob’s family lives in the Tacoma area, and Andy’s family is in Southern Oregon, so Portland is right in the middle and easy to get to both. We see our family a lot; either they come visit us or we go to see them.

We love where we live. Being in the city, we can go to concerts and museums, but we can also easily jump in the car and be in nature within minutes. Some weekends we like to go hiking, visit the coast, and ride bikes on trails and open roads. Other weekends we enjoy visiting a coffee shop or park in our neighborhood or somewhere else in the city. We are looking forward to when we can take our child along with us on these adventures!

Openness in adoption is important to us because we want our child to grow up knowing just how much they are loved–both by us and by their biological family. We moved to Oregon to be closer to our families, and we want to welcome our child’s biological family as part of our extended family. We stay close to our family by regular visits, phone calls, and texts, and we hope to be able to develop a similar relationship with our child’s biological family.

We wish you all the best,

Andy & Bob

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