Holly and Brittany


We are a fun-loving and laughter-filled family. We’ve lived in rural, Southern Oregon for the past 13 years and still love it! Our love story began 17 years ago when Brittany called to catch up with a friend and Holly answered the phone. Brittany was living in Ohio for college at the time and Holly was in medical school in North Carolina. After two years of airplanes and phone dates, Brittany moved to North Carolina. Holly was offered a job opportunity in Oregon so we packed up our pets, furniture and Holly’s little brother and drove across the country for our West coast adventure!

We love small town living and the slower pace of life that comes with it. Holly and Brittany spend their days very differently. Holly practices Family Medicine and end-of-life care. When she’s not visiting her patients in their homes, she’s likely singing along to classic country music blasting from her radio. George Strait is her fave! Brittany owns a bookstore and spends her day alphabetizing the fiction section or helping others find their next good book! When we aren’t working, we are typically at home jumping on the trampoline or watching Disney movies with our boys.

We are the proud parents of two boys who joined our family through adoption when they were born. Parker is 6 years old and Brody is 5 years old. When we go on vacation, we love the water! We go to the coast (East and West), water parks and hot tubs. Another love we share is the love of spaghetti. We cook it up it every Sunday for dinner and we make our own spaghetti sauce from scratch! Every summer we fly to the North Carolina beach to spend quality time with our family that lives on the East coast.

We are lucky to have big families but we’ve also experienced loss and it has shaped us. Holly’s dad was killed in a car accident when she was 12 and Britt’s dad died suddenly from a heart attack in 2021. We love harder because we know life is fragile and precious. We love deeper because we know tomorrow isn’t promised. Life can be complicated and messy and wonderful. We know it and we embrace it. We’re on a journey to become parents again because we stinking love it!
